Thursday, July 17, 2008

Not a good one people

Yesterday turned out to be not such a great day for me. I was an emotional wreck after the gym. I went to the gym and started off my swings and my snatches pretty good. Then came my squats on foam pads and they didn't' go so well. At this point in my workout I just had no energy and things were not going my way. I was depressed after this point, but finished as much of my workout as I could. I left the gym feeling crappy about my workout and had the thought of "why did I even come tonight?" Now looking back though I am glad then I went and did most of my workout rather than skipping it all together. After dinner, I checked my emails and my blog and found an email that someone had written me. This person was super nice in the email and was giving me some suggestions and telling me her story. Some of the things that were said, I took the wrong way and got emotional once again and really felt bad about myself. I know this person didn't intend it to effect me like that, they were just trying to help by giving me suggestions and changes i could make to see more results, but it pulled at my emotional strings and made me think about my life and my decisions. After that I felt horribly about myself and the way i appear and the choices that i have been making. I woke up this morning feeling the same way and am still emotional. My husband just laid next to me last night holding me even though i didn't say a word and cried. He just told me he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful. Even this morning, he made it a point to tell me that. Its time for me to figure out how to attack my diet and how I am going to find a balance of what is good and what i should be doing and fit it into my lifestyle. OK, that's enough. My vacation is coming next week and I think it will be good for me. Myrtle Beach here I come!!!!!

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