Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wow its been a year?

Wow its been a year since i've written in this blog, that is just crazy. I can't believe it. A lot has been going on this past year, my husband's job has changed, i switched gyms things in my life are just not the same. I've started going to Planet Fitness in Souderton now and working out with my husband. We are on week 2 of our journey and it feels incredible. I have learned not to just base losing weight and getting healthy on the scale but focus more on how i feel, and let me tell you, i feel great already. I can see changes in myself that i wouldn't think i would have felt. Its awesome... Here's to continuing!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's time for vacation! Myrtle Beach here i come. See you in a week.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Not a good one people

Yesterday turned out to be not such a great day for me. I was an emotional wreck after the gym. I went to the gym and started off my swings and my snatches pretty good. Then came my squats on foam pads and they didn't' go so well. At this point in my workout I just had no energy and things were not going my way. I was depressed after this point, but finished as much of my workout as I could. I left the gym feeling crappy about my workout and had the thought of "why did I even come tonight?" Now looking back though I am glad then I went and did most of my workout rather than skipping it all together. After dinner, I checked my emails and my blog and found an email that someone had written me. This person was super nice in the email and was giving me some suggestions and telling me her story. Some of the things that were said, I took the wrong way and got emotional once again and really felt bad about myself. I know this person didn't intend it to effect me like that, they were just trying to help by giving me suggestions and changes i could make to see more results, but it pulled at my emotional strings and made me think about my life and my decisions. After that I felt horribly about myself and the way i appear and the choices that i have been making. I woke up this morning feeling the same way and am still emotional. My husband just laid next to me last night holding me even though i didn't say a word and cried. He just told me he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful. Even this morning, he made it a point to tell me that. Its time for me to figure out how to attack my diet and how I am going to find a balance of what is good and what i should be doing and fit it into my lifestyle. OK, that's enough. My vacation is coming next week and I think it will be good for me. Myrtle Beach here I come!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Tonight we had a fundraiser for our team at Red Robin. We handed out flyers and when people paid their bill's our team received 10 % of the profits. Our next fundraiser will be a bowling event. I can't wait. The purple hooters are going to kick some butt. On the down side of tonight...I didn't even try to eat well. I guess its time to kick my own butt at the gym tomorrow. Kettlebells and sweat, here i come.

Monday, July 14, 2008


This is going to be a very long post :) Friday night was fun. My friend Brea went with me to go and get my hair chopped off. I was sick of it being long and needed a change. After that we came home and got pizza!!!!! It tasted awesome.

Saturday I got up and went to help my step dad do an online interview assessment, hopefully things go well there. I then went to the gym and did a kettlebell workout. Today was leg day. I did lots of squats, deadlifts, swings, snatches and of course planks. I sweat like never before that day. I looked like a drowned rat afterwards:) Pretty isn't it? After that, Andrew and I went over to our friends Jeff and Becky's house. They are super awesome people! We all hung out in the pool and had a cookout. Their daughter Emily is the cutest! She loved dumping water on Andrew's head:) We had a really good time with them and hopefully hang out again soon. (Becky, you have to come to our scrapbooking weekend :))

I feel as though Sunday, we got a ton accomplished. I got up early and brought laundry over to my mom's house. When we got back Andrew was in charge of cleaning the kitchen and I did the rest of it. After we were finished, Andrew and I pulled the sled that I had made for him two Christmas's' ago. I always made fun of him for it and now it was my turn for the torture. The yard that we do it in sloped down on the way down and then was uphill on the way back. We took turns and did that for 30 minutes. It was rough but great. Afterwards Brea came over and dyed my hair and then we went shopping:) I needed a few new things for vacation next week.

I didn't get the chance to go grocery shopping this weekend so i ended up taking pop tarts to work for breakfast, not the best decision but oh well. For lunch i had leftover chicken on the grill and some stove top. I also had a fat free pudding and an applesauce cup. afters work today I went to the gym. My friend Elizabeth was there today after her vacation. For my workout today i did:
5 sets of 20 swings
5 sets of 10 snatches
3 sets of 15 push ups
5 sets of the 5 series of the small, medium and large kettlebells
5 sets of 10 push presses
4 rounds of 30 second planks.
For dinner my husband got me a tuna sub from Subway, delicious. For dessert i had some popcorn. I'm hoping to bring my camera to the gym with me on Wednesday to get some video of me doing some exercises, that way i can get some pointers from some of you pro's out there. My snatches feel a lot better and I'm not banging my wrist like I had been. Practice makes perfect.

Before After :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wow, what a day

Today was an pretty good day. My food was as follows:
1 cup berry curves cereal
1/2 cup skim milk
1 cup halved strawberries
sugar free vanilla pudding
100 calorie snack pack kettle corn
Layered taco dish( yum, and saved half for lunch tomorrow)
Cut up strawberries with fat free cool whip

For my workout today i did
4 sets of 21 swings with 26 lb kettlebell

5 sets of 21 squats with the 16 lb kettle bell ( last set standing on two blue steps) alternated with 5 sets of around the body with the 16 lb kettlebell (20 each direction then switched for 40 total) (no rest in between those two)

4 sets of 21 deadlifts with the 26 lb kettlebell on the blue steps alternated with 4 sets of 10 each direction around the leg figure 8. ( also no resting in between those two)

4 sets of 11 snatches ( each arm ) with the 16 lb kettlebell

5 sets of 20 seconds planks

all in all I'm pretty happy with my workout. I sure was sweating buckets at the gym tonight which helped me gauge my work effort. I'm still not sure i am doing the snatches correctly,my husband says my form looks good but 'm not sure. I am always so hard on myself and critiquing myself way too much. I'm too hard on myself. I am a perfectionist i guess. One thing i did do tonight was stretched after i was finished. I have to do better at that and remember to do it every time I'm done. I feel much better.

All in all, I'm happy with today. I didn't splurge on food, i did great during my workout. Now I'm going to cut up those strawberries and plop down on the sofa with my hubby. Until next time :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Today was an ok day for me. I woke up this morning, got ready for work and had like 20 minutes of extra time before I had to be at work. I was hungry and had the time so i foolishly ate 4 waffles. I wouldn't have done this on a normal day but because i had time to kill, i did. I regreted it after i shoveled all that food into my mouth. I didn't' eat again until lunchtime, where I had leftovers from last nights dinner. I also had a pear cut up with it. For snack i had a sugar free pudding cup and watermelon. After work, my friend and I went to a local park and walked for about an hour. I complained the whole time because i have a muscle in my leg that is constantly stiff. No matter how much i stretch it doesn't want to relax. After that however, the night kind of fell apart. We went to burger king for dinner, not the smartest thing I've done. BUT, instead of having something sweet for dessert, I'm having 2 cut up peaches. All in all i don't feel horrible about the day, but it could have been A LOT better.

On another note, my husband and I are looking into getting some kettlebells of our own. If we do, i can continue my kettlebell training on my off days from the gym. A friend of mine is letting me borrow a DVD she has of kettlebell workouts. She also started her own blog, so we can keep up with each others progress and give words of encouragement when needed as well. I want to post some of my starting pictures up as well to kind of give me a little boost of why I'm doing this in the first place. Seeing a gross picture of me up on the Internet will hopefully accomplish that goal. Now it's time to relax with my hubby and watch the season finale of Hell's Kitchen! Post later!